Tech-X Conference & Hackathon

Tech-X Conference & Hackathon

Following the resounding success of the debut event in Bilbao, Spain, Gaia-X is teaming up with Gaia-X Hub Luxembourg to bring an unmatched experience for the Gaia-X Tech-X Conference & Hackathon Awards, returning for its second edition on 23-24 May in Luxembourg.

Connect with industry leaders, tackle real-world challenges, and gain hands-on experience with cutting-edge technologies. From insightful presentations to a two-day hackathon alongside the Gaia-X Open-Source community, the Tech-X Conference & Hackathon offers something for everyone.

Aligned with Gaia-X’s 2024 strategy, this event aims to:

  • Increase Gaia-X knowledge in the community, encourage collaboration and enable participants to make use of current open-source implementations and codebase.
  • Develop tools that handle Gaia-X Credentials.
  • Use and further develop the Gaia-X Compliance Service.
  • Check & validate the state of Gaia-X (in regards to architecture, specifications, technology, processes and general terms & conditions) via the creation of service offerings and integration of use cases leveraging the Gaia-X Architecture.

Register here




23 mei 2024


Op Locatie

Andere evenementen

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Use cases

Een overzicht van Use cases vanuit diverse sectoren in Europa ten behoeve van diverse ontwikkeling van Gaia-X. De use cases staan op de website van onze internationale Gaia-X groep.


Een overzicht van de internationale evenementen rondom de ontwikkeling van Gaia-X. De evenementen staan op de website van onze internationale Gaia-X groep.

Gaia-X hub Nederland - een introductie

Gaia-X hub Nederland - een introductie