6 December 2021

Kick-off science & innovation track Gaia-X hub The Netherlands

On Thursday January 27th, the Gaia-X hub the Netherlands organized an introductory and in-depth session specifically for scientific research groups or organizations that are interested in scientific developments in the Gaia-X field. This first webinar was the kick-off of the track science & innovation within the Dutch Gaia-X hub.

This session took place online, from 13:00 to 14:30.

The program
After a brief introduction by Peter Verkoulen, programmanager of the Dutch hub, there are two key contributions: a CompSysNL Manifesto update and an introduction by SURF.

12.50 – 13.00 P.M: Digital walk in.
13.00 – 13.15 P.M: Word of welcome by moderator Peter Verkoulen, update science track Gaia-X Hub the Netherlands
13.15 P.M. – 13.45 P.M: CompSysNL Manifesto update by Fernando Kuipers (TU Delft) and Alexandru Iosup (VU Amsterdam)
13.45 P.M. – 14.05 P.M: SURF update by Michiel Schok and Erik Kentie
14.05 P.M. – 14.25 P.M: Discussion / Q&A
14.25 P.M. – 14.30 P.M: Word of thanks / end of the webinar

CompSysNL Manifest update
In 2021, a group of leading scientists from Dutch universities and knowledge institutes has been working on a Manifesto on the future of Computer Systems and Networking research in the Netherlands (CompSysNL). The manifesto shows how computer systems are an engine for society towards a responsible and sustainable future. Future proof digitization requires ICT research and development. Both in society and in the political arena, the demand for digital sovereignty is getting bigger. This cannot be realized without building and extending a relevant research and education community and approach within The Netherlands. In the first part of the webinar, this manifesto will be introduced by prof. Alexandru Iosup (VU Amsterdam) and dr. Fernando Kuipers (TU Delft).

The complete manifest can be downloaded here and the management summary can be downloaded here.

SURF introduction
In the final part of the webinar, Michiel Schok from SURF gives an introduction to the plans and activities of SURF in the context of Gaia-X. Specifically, attention is paid to the current status of the use of federated identities within research and education. What lessons can we learn from building such a federation to make AI in Gaia-X a success?

You can watch the recording of the webinar below:

Keynote speakers
Prof.dr.ir. Fernando Kuipers is a professor at the Delft University of Technology, where he leads the Lab on Internet Science. His research revolves around understanding and improving the performance and reliability of Internet and communications infrastructures. Furthermore, Fernando is the scientific director and co-founder of the Do IoT fieldlab, board member of the TU Delft Safety & Security Institute, and member of the SIGCOMM executive committee. Contact him at [email protected].

Prof.dr.ir. Alexandru Iosup is professor at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. He is the chair of the Massivizing Computer Systems research group at the VU and of the SPEC-RG Cloud group. His work in distributed systems and ecosystems has received prestigious recognition, including membership in the (Young) Royal Academy of Arts and Sciences of the Netherlands and the 2016 Netherlands ICT Researcher of the Year award. He was knighted in 2020. Contact him at [email protected] or @AIosup.

Drs. Erik Kentie is Business Developer and Program Manager IOT Edge Cloud in the Innovation team of SURF, the cooperation of research and education institutes in the Netherlands. In SURF Erik is responsible for initiating and managing innovative digital projects and experiments also in a public private context. Internationally he supports different programs like GAIA-X and Eurocc. Nationally he is involved in the datasharing coalition, the Dutch A.I. coalition and in realizing digital innovation hubs in the Netherlands.

Michiel Schok is team leader of the Trust and Identity Innovation and Development team of SURF, an alliance of research and educational institutions in the Netherlands. In his team, various activities in the life cycle on the broad topic of Identification take place (exploration, proofs of concept, pilots and service development). Michiel is also a member of the EOSC Task Force on AI.

Dr.ir Peter Verkoulen is programmanager of the Dutch Gaia-X hub, working for TNO. He has a Ph.D. in Information Systems Design and has been working parttime for several Dutch universities besides his main roles in industry and ecosystem development.


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