8 June 2022

Gaia-X releases a new Architecture document and Trust Framework to strengthen Gaia-X’s ecosystem and better safeguard data

7 June 2022 – Brussels, Belgium: Gaia-X, championing data sovereignty, has announced the release of two documents – the latest version of the Architecture Document that outlines Gaia-X’s ecosystem and a new Trust Framework that aims at safeguarding data protection, transparency, security, portability, and flexibility for the ecosystem.

“The Architecture Document is one of the guiding documents for Gaia-X that enables the organisation to establish data – infrastructure ecosystem. One of the key updates in the new version is the reference to the three plane model of the NIST Cloud Federation Reference Architecture (CFRA),” said Pierre Gronlier, CTO of Gaia-X.

Some of the key updates involve updated definitions of Data Exchange Services, Service Composition and Resource model, and Self Description Lifecycle. In addition, these documents are in alignment with other officially published Gaia-X documents, streamlining and de-duplication of text to ease reading.

The Trust Framework, previously known as the Gaia-X Compliance and Labelling Framework, has the same guiding principle to ensure common governance and the basic levels of interoperability between ecosystems. The Gaia-X Self-description files have also been linked to the Trust Framework.

“The Trust Framework is of utmost importance for Gaia-X as it sets the rules that define the minimum baseline to be part of the Gaia-X Ecosystem to put it simply, the Gaia-X Ecosystem is the virtual set of participants and service offerings following the Gaia-X requirements from the Gaia-X Trust Framework. Meanwhile, The trust framework enables everyone to operationalise it through the provision of an online API service, which is the first step towards compliance as code to align with the RegTech industry” said Pierre Gronlier, CTO of Gaia X.

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