1 December 2021

Prologue #2 Peter Verkoulen

Dear reader,

Time flies when you do fun things. I feel like I wrote the foreword to our previous newsletter the day before yesterday, and now you’re reading the next one. Developments around Gaia-X  are moving so fast, internationally and nationally.

For our own Dutch hub, I would like to refer you to the Gaia-X NL community event that we have planned for November 29 from 2 – 4 pm. Write it down in your diary! During the event you will be informed about the international developments by our CEO and COO of Gaia-X.

With regard to manufacturing, the Smart Connected Supplier Network use case is also on the agenda of the Summit. In our own event, we will take a closer look at this case and discuss the most current developments, for example the collaboration with the Online Trust Coalition/NOREA regarding assurance accreditation for SCSN. But of course there is much more to come.

“Is Gaia-X actually only for large companies and institutions?” I get that question regularly. “No definitely not!” SCSN is a perfect example here: on October 22, we organized a great event around Gaia-X in the manufacturing industry together with DVC-SI and Brainport Industries. With a lot of interest from SMEs: both ICT providers and manufacturing companies. Elsewhere in this newsletter you will find the review link.

I could go on and on… read on in the newsletter and contact us if you want to know more and especially… if you want to participate!

Peter Verkoulen 

Program manager Gaia-X Hub NL 

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